Shows and Quilts

It has been decidedly quiet on the blog front lately, but I have been very busy in the background.

One of the first things that happens when your school finds out that you have a sewing machine is that you get organised into sewing for school!.. In my case, coordinating the costumes for the School musical for 200 odd kids!. Our school musical has every child in the school participating!. That has pretty much been the story of my life for the last month.

I did manage to enter a few competitions while all that was going on and was lucky enough to win First and second at the Noosa Show for “Noosa River Gazing” and “spotty Gum Leaf”

noosa-show awards

I also managed to achieve third in the Berry Patchwork show “The power of Red” for my Red sunset.

the power of red

Included in the general busyness were a few quilt orders.. I have now officially finished my largest quilt to date, a King Single with a British theme for a customer. I’m not sure if I’m brave enough to go any bigger on my little Janome!. I know it can be done, maybe .. one day…

british quilt

british quilt

British themed quilt

What do you think?